Color Theory

What do the
colors mean?

Our guide provides a general overview about the meaning of the colors we see in the aura photos which are based on the seven chakras. These chakras are energy centers within our body that run along our neurological system, starting at the base of our spine and ending at the crown (top) of our head. Each chakra:

  • has a different function and focus that connects to our mental, physical, and emotional states

  • vibrates at its own frequency with a specific density and pulse which can be perceived as color, sound, or even a feeling.

  • corresponds to a specific color on the visible spectrum

The placement, density, and combination of colors we see in the photos is the “data” that allows us to explore which chakras are most dominant and where your energy is focused in that moment. Each session includes a personalized interpretation that incorporates awareness of the auric layers, sociological theories, cultural beliefs, and color psychology.

The color quality is also indicative of how balanced or imbalanced that chakra is at the time of the photo. While our readings are typically strength-based, understanding where there are energetic imbalances can provide helpful guidance in working to address internal tension. For example a bright clear color will be more consistent with a balanced chakra whereas a tone that is “sour”, muddy, or dull would represent disharmony.

Chakra & Color Breakdown

Red: “I Am”

  • Root Chakra aka Muladhara

  • Base of the spine

  • Stability, Competence, Safety

  • Element: Earth

  • Musical note: C

  • Vibrational frequency: 396hz

Orange: “I Feel”

  • Sacral Chakra aka Svadhisthana

  • Pelvis and hips

  • Sensuality & desire, pleasure, sociability, creativity & imagination

  • Element: water

  • Music note: D

  • Vibrational Frequency: 417 hz

Yellow: “I Do”

  • Solar Plexus Chakra aka Manipura

  • Midchest between the naval and bottom of the breast bone

  • Intellect, strength, personality, determination

  • Element: fire

  • Musical Note: E

  • Vibrational Frequency: 528 hx

Green: “I Love”

  • Heart Chakra aka Anahata

  • Upper chest over the heart

  • Acceptance, Love, Compassion, Sincerity

  • Element: air

  • Musical note: F

  • Vibrational frequency: 639 hz

NOTE: pink and green vibrate on the same frequency so we have two colors representing one chakra because green is focused on projecting love outward/towards the world around us whereas pink is more about receiving love/directing it towards ourselves.

Blue: “I Speak”

  • Throat Chakra aka Vishuddha

  • Throat and neck

  • Communication, expression, creativity, imagination

  • Element: spirit

  • Musical note: G

  • Vibrational Frequency: 741 hz

Indigo: “I See”

  • Third Eye Chakra aka Ajna

  • Intuition, wisdom, consciousness, clarity, insight

  • Between the eyes

  • Sense: discernment

  • Musical note: A

  • Vibrational frequency: 852 hz

Violet: “I Understand”

  • Crown chakra aka Sahasrara

  • Top of the head

  • Knowledge, spirituality, fulfillment

  • Element: of spirit and space

  • Musical note: B

  • Vibrational frequency: 963 hx


White is not one of the colors on the visible spectrum because it is/it contains the entire spectrum within it. We will see white in photos but it is typically not the dominant color. It will usually appear as a “pop” of color blending with another shade or its is an arch shape over the head Generally represents a form of inner illumination, connection to external energy sources, openness and receptive to information.


A rainbow aura is one that has at least 4 distinct colors but may contain all 7 in varying quantities and shades. The overall distribution and amount of each color is especially important in understanding a rainbow aura because it can help us understand if the person is balanced or imbalanced. Colors that appear “scattered” and in disproportionate quantities often indicate the person feels overwhelmed and internally out of harmony. When the distribution of colors is orderly and equal, we find that the person is using multiple chakras to function at an optimal level.

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